just because.
idiots. all of them. every single fucking one of them.
idiots. all of them. every single fucking one of them.
ha! sounds like vinny's post
Write a very very angry letter and seal it and post it to your desk and then read it the day after
ganas nye....
lama dah kawan, skarang baru u tau ke?
ku busy tau. busy stealing glances at you know who. hehehehe.
eek.. macam ni punya kawan pun ade.. pergila lu.. pergi tengok you punya future-boyfren-to-be. :p
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alar... mane boleh cakap macam tu. ku malu lar. mane ada chance dgn dia. begitu kacak n hensem. ku mana boleh up to that tahap ah!
omg. my malay sucks badddddddd!
let pn heryati/ mr lim reads this, pengsan d. hahahah
pn heryati is with child AGAIN. omg, she looks so pregnant... as one does.. but you get the drift. thank god mr lim stopped at .. so? yeah.. him and his do re mi fa so.
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MG. I'm having a second thought of becoming a teacher one day then. Hm.
I mean like, for some funny reason.. this pregnancy trend's been prevailing especially among the Convent malay teachers. True, true?!
. . . who keeps commenting then deleting.. sepakkan...
tasha : she is sooooo pregnant.. eek!
eh. its me. hehehehe.
and me not pregnant. me still havin proportionate body, tq.
tasha is soooo pregnant.. wahahah
for a moment there i was like "woah 14 comments to a silly tiny post" and then i find a chat that seems more like something you find on msn and in ummmm some form of munted english lol
its not munted english. its a language called "malay". hah!
hahaha.. my poor boyfriend is sooo lost
This post just cracked me up so bad. I don't know why but yea.. Its so amusing somehow... lol
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