Monday, August 14, 2006

shallow posts

so much for no more blogger hiatus.. Overdresser seems to be having the same problem but I think that is due to his SPM trials and shit.. so yehh.. I should have no excuse.. but thing is.. I don't know what to blog about.. tasha has deep meaningful posts these days.. WY's posts are funny as always.. Angel is making her blog like a photo blog.. Xin and Mel often post about their days.. yet me.. I find myself grasping at anything to blog about but to no avail. sad. Jayne is flyin back this Thursday.. Bon Voyage huni! o and tasha changed her blog add for the 1783925th time.. oh wells... only managed three hours of sleep yesterday after talkin to the BFFs.. hmm.. and had a 3 hour nap before this.. so pretty much, my sleeping hours are fucked. i should really get down to starting on my work.. hmm....


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