Tuesday, March 08, 2005

2 more days to go

been a while since i blogged...hmm..anyways..second day into exams....two more days to go..the pain...the torture...ish!...we started off with bm bi bio...all of which were a killer...today we had math physics and history..all of which brought me to hell and back....physics was a real killer...the only consolation? i tried! last year i left like half of it blank and as for the other half..i had absolutely no inkling whatsoever what the question was about! so there...sad sad...neways...nth 2 look forward to tomorrow .. add math and moral..already general math was so difficult...what more additional math?!!oh wells...wonder where is angel now..she ain't online and she didn't reply my message..hmm.......ponders...oh wells..better go catch up with my math...ish!

+ cassie over and out +


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